Anti-Bullying Policy
Stone Lake Elementary Anti-Bullying Policy and Definition
Stone Lake Elementary believes, just as our district and governing board believe, that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment. Our school further believes that our students, staff and school community have an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance and acceptance. Student safety is a high priority and we are committed to maintaining the physical and emotional well-being of all students at Stone Lake Elementary. To this end, Stone Lake has adopted the following definition of bullying as outlined in our district’s board policy and administrative regulation 5144.1:
“Bullying is defined as an abusive action or conduct, which can be physical, verbal, written, or psychological. It is further defined as a pattern of behavior repeated over time, but may in some instance take the form of one severe or egregious act.”
Examples of bullying include, but are not limited to:
- Physical: hitting, kicking, spitting, and pushing
- Verbal or Written: teasing, threatening, and name-calling
- Psychological: social isolation, manipulation, spreading rumors, and intimidation
Student/Parent Action
Stone Lake Elementary School encourages students and parents who become aware of an act of bullying to immediately report the incident(s) to a school administrator for further investigation. Any student who retaliates against another for reporting bullying will also be subject to consequences.
Complaint/Investigative Procedure
All students shall be informed of their right to protection against bullying behaviors and the right to file a complaint if they believe they have been the victim of bullying behavior. School administrators are responsible for investigating each complaint, determining if the complaint is legitimate in accordance with the above definition, and taking appropriate corrective action. Any student, be they the victim or the bystander, may initiate a complaint by completing a confidential reporting form and returning it to an administrator. These forms are available in the school office and on our school website.
Reports of bullying are taken seriously and shall be dealt with quickly and effectively. If a student is found guilty of bullying behavior the consequences shall depend on both the results of the investigation and the severity of the incident. Consequences may include but are not limited to the following:
- Mediation
- Loss of privilege
- Parent conference
- Counseling
- Suspension
- Expulsion
- Referral to local law enforcement agency